week 9 - Cleaning up modular kit

I made a start on making the modular wall pieces that I had into 1 piece for each side instead of having loads of little pieces, as this one something that I was recommended to do in the review week. I found this process very tedious and boring as it was very repetitive. I tried to unwrap the pieces before putting it back into engine. even though I only have a couple of sides done, it is looking far better than the other sides and it has solved my issue of getting a banding effect on the walls. I have also edited the material that I made so that it is a lot more clean and whiter. When I have got all of the walls completed, I think this will match the GTA style a lot better.

I also changed the skirting board slightly, as before it was just flat with a little indentation around the edges as it appeared to match what they did in GTA, however I was advised to just make it so that it does actually stick out as that is how a real skirting board would be. I do agree that this looks a lot better and adds a bit more interest to the walls.

Towards the end of the week I started to unwrap the TV, so that it is ready for texturing next week. Once the TV and stand have been textured, I think this will help me to feel like the scene is more finished as its quite a large object.


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