Week 2 - Research and more blockouts

I carried on with the block outs that I started last week and did one extra one. I feel like the 3rd one that I did is my strongest one in terms of composition and layout so I think I will go forward with that one. I think it has more potential as the space is created with some interesting shapes and angles and would be easier to place assets as the other two block outs are mostly square, making the space not as usable. Below is the 3rd blockout that I did.

As I decided that I was going to go forward with this one, I added more detail to the block out, so put more furniture in place and experimented a bit more with windows and half walls. I have also started making an asset list which I will add to as I go along, I split it into the different rooms/areas of the house. With the asset list, it will help me to stay focused on the project and to help me see exactly what needs to be done and what assets should take priority in being done first.

 Overall I am quite pleased with my progress that I have made this week, and I feel confident with the idea that I've chosen. I feel it is a strong design with many areas of Interest, and has a lot of potential.


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